database Management

database Management

This paper gives a description of a college databases which is use for tracking of students and the courses that they have taken. Further, the paper the database is intended to keep track of the instructors teaching each of the courses.
Purpose of the Database
The objective of the database is to establish and keep track of the students of the college as well as information relating to the courses they have undertaken. It further gives the instructors teaching each of the courses (Beynon-Davies, 2014). Information pertaining to the students includes their names, admission numbers, year of study, units done or currently doing, scores (grades) of the units well done, instructor’s comments in relation to whether the student should retake the unit or whether the student has passed, the student's cumulative grade point average, and the units outstanding. As pertains to the instructors, the information to be born in the database includes the name of the instructor, his or her employment or enlistment number, the units he or she is currently offering, progress reports based on the course outlines, student assessments reports, and compliments and complaints against the instructor.
Entities of the Database and the Attributes of Each Entity
The objects of the database would comprise Department, Students, Lecturers, and Modules. Students as an entity would constitute identification number, name, and course undertaken. These could have relationships with the modules and lecturers. The Lecturers as an entity would entail the particular professor identification number or employment number; the units offered, and the students currently enrolled under him or her. Modules as an entity would comprise the course code, course name, the prerequisite courses for undertaking it, and the group of students to which it should offer.
Business Rules That Could Determine the Structure of the Database
The business rules that could determine the structure of the database...

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