EXP 105 Personal Dimensions of Education Week 1

EXP 105 Personal Dimensions of Education Week 1

1. Question :

The Let Me Learn system is based primarily on
Student Answer: principles of neuro-linguistic programming.
right brain/left brain studies.
CORRECT research of the brain-mind interface.
insights from ancient Greek philosophers.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in Section 1.4 A Theory of Learning for the 21st Century under the heading One Model of Intentional Learning, in Intentional Learning for College Success
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 2. Question :

According to the Let Me Learn system as presented in Figure 1.1, which of the following sequences is correct?
Student Answer: brain-mind-interface, sense stimuli, mind, brain
brain-mind-interface, sense stimuli, brain, mind
sense stimuli, brain-mind interface, brain, mind
CORRECT sense stimuli, brain, brain-mind interface, mind
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in Section 1.4 A Theory of Learning for the 21st Century under the heading One Model of Intentional Learning, in Intentional Learning for College Success
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 3. Question :

This is a nonproductive learning behavior:
Student Answer: Completing assignments and then noting what was learned and how to improve next time
CORRECT Quickly skimming readings and briefly looking at graphics in the readings
Thinking critically and analyzing one’s ideas before expressing them
Basing opinions on credible sources
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in Section 1.4 A Theory of Learning for the 21st Century under the heading Confidence in Yourself as a Learner, in Intentional Learning for College Success
Points Received: 1 of 1

Question 4. Question :

Which association is correct?
Student Answer: CORRECT cognition; thoughts
affectation; actions
conation: feelings
confluence; organization...

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