Family Research: Divorse

Family Research: Divorse

Family Research Project:

Marriage… made in heaven! Marriage vows… taken to be together forever! The magical starting days of married life are full of dreams and pleasure. But as the time passes, many couples may begin to realize that they are not perfect for each other. They come to know about the huge differences between them and feel that they are not compatible with each other. Small arguments may turn to big conflicts. Sometimes these conflicts cross the tolerance limit and make it difficult for the couple to live together and the couple starts thinking about breaking the relationship and getting separated. Yes, they wish to get a divorce!
Divorce is a legal termination of marriage between a husband and wife. But why do marriages fail? It may be due to certain marital problems such as aggressiveness of one of the partners, workaholism, physical or emotional abuse, alcohol or drug addiction, family stress and strain of a partner. Whatever might be the reason, but divorce and separation is definitely painful for both the partners. And it’s not all only about the couple… it also affects the entire family, especially the children. Let’s see how divorce affects the family life. When the couple is going through a divorce, it is a very stressful situation for them. It is equally painful and at times, a heart-wrenching experience for their children. After the divorce, s are totally disturbed. One or both the partners may face emotional as well as financial problems. He/she may feel lonely and rejected. There may be some problems regarding residence, job and finances. When it is about getting the custody of children, it can be a big issue. Anyway, the couple is mature enough to deal with these problems. But, it is very difficult for their children to face this painful situation.
A child needs both the parents equally. Parental love and support is a key to the healthy physical and mental development of a child. When one of the parents is away from them...

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