

CHCPR509A: Document, interpret and use information about children

Monitor children’s developmental progress and develop understanding of individual children


Use observations and information to assess and monitor child’s play preferences, social interactions, communication and language, thinking styles, physical abilities and emotional status 4
Use observations to assess and monitor 4
Sociocultural approaches to documentation 5
Interpret information and observations to identify individual emerging skills, capabilities, potential, interests, preferences of child to guide program strategies to foster development 8
Interpretations 8
Decoding 12
Monitor and interpret behaviour that is out of character for an individual child and respond appropriately 15
Monitor and interpret behaviour 15
Demonstrate understanding and application of inclusive principles in interpreting observations 16
Inclusive principles and understanding 16
Use observations and information to assess and monitor child’s play preferences, social interactions, communication and language, thinking styles, physical abilities and emotional status
Use observations to assess and monitor
Observations can be used to assess and monitor the child's play preferences, social interactions, communication and language, thinking styles, physical abilities and emotional status.

Observing children at play
A great time to observe children is when they are engaged in play. From babies through to primary-aged children, observing children at play gives us a wealth of information about the child’s development, strengths, emerging skills and interests. When observing play we can see:
what children do and say
the toys and equipment they use
the skills they are developing
what is influencing or triggering aspects of the play
problem solving as the play develops
imitation, collaboration and negotiation during play
social relationships and friendships

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