How are teenage girls represented in recent ‘young adult’ fiction?
Include some discussion of relevant academic studies of ‘young adult fiction’.
Young adult fiction is stories or novels which are aimed at a group of people who are considered as young adults. It however difficult to distinguish exactly what age is considered as young adult. Young adult is very complex to classify. Some publishers believe it is children who are eleven plus and other publishers believe its children aged fourteen plus. This is why there is a contrast between young adult fiction and children’s stories. It has become difficult to identify which age group young adult fiction belongs to.
The term ‘young adult fiction’ has been introduced in order to separate and differentiate novels from one another. It separates children’s novels from young adult novels, which is known to be of a slightly older age category. The term ‘young adult’ may be contradicting as some people may question why young children are considered as young adults. This is because novels which have been written for young adults are aimed at a specific age group. Writers are aware of their audience and therefore the subject and the language used within the novel is clearly though out by the writer. Before writing books and novels writers always have to consider whom the book is aimed at and who the target audience is. After having done so the writer then goes onto write the novel or story using particular language which the author believes is most suitable for that particular age group. It may be said that ‘Young adults’ are children who are at an age to understand the on goings of life who are able to understand and identify bad to good. Most ‘young adult fictions’ have aspects of children’s literature and yet it still maintains genuineness and is linked to reality which a child of the ‘young adult’ age can relate to or understand. The phrase ‘adult’ gives the child responsibility. By giving children this sort of...