

Intelligence consists of a number of different abilities that work together to produce overall individual intelligence. There are a lot of different views on intelligence. There are three different types of intelligence proposed by Sternberg which are Analytic, creative, and practical intelligence. For example, Sternberg’s has three theory’s of intelligence such as analytic who are book smarts, creative who are insightful, and practical who are street smarts. Gardener has multiple types of intelligence which include linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal. Horn and Cattell viewed intelligence of consisting of two primary factors: fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. There are some intellectual abilities that improve with age, while others decline. Usually, fluid intelligence decreases, and crystallized intelligence increases. The reaction time and speed of thinking slow down and intelligence deepens. Fluid Intelligence is a type of learning that is quick and thorough: short-term memory, abstract thought, speed of thinking; thought to decline with age. Crystallized Intelligence is an reflect accumulated learning; vocabulary and general information; increases with age. The examples of measures of crystallized intelligence consist of vocabulary, verbal communication, and numerical reasoning, and as well as individuals ability to extract information from the environment. In general, there are cohort differences and individual differences that are very important influences on the development of adult intelligence than age alone. There were faulty assumptions made on intelligence by Schaie’s longitudinal study refute. For example, Schaie had a different thought of the meaning Flynn effect, however it is a trend toward increasing average I.Q. scores by cohort. Also, I.Q. scores after rising in childhood and peaking in adolescence declined in adulthood which was refuted by Baley and Oden. Both...

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