Is Religion About Believing or Belonging?

Is Religion About Believing or Belonging?

Is religion about believing or belonging?

Fundamentalists only aim is to believe in God and abide by the bible. To them the only law is the sacred texts and any other works that challenge the bible are seen to them as unfit moreover challengers are despised. Fundamentalists know their religion isn’t always convenient however it is seen as a test of your will. It is the succession in will that they believe is what benefits them in their later life. This will consists of putting up with the bits you don’t like such as rules.
  Fundamentalists support anti- intellectualism moreover they dislike any form of priesthood. It is for this reason fundamentalists hate science, education, art or literature, in other words any form of intellect.
  One huge role that fundamentalists try and full fill is aiming its message at the youth. This is because they see children as the future and without them having the fundamentalist beliefs then fundamentalism would simply cease to exist.
  Another key belief is they believe people should fight temptation like the 7 deadly sins and win the lost. It is this which would then lead people to living a moral and pure life. It is this reason that fundamentalists spear out against corrupt lifestyles which are counter to the bible for example being homosexual.
  On the whole fundamentalists see their set of beliefs as the most important factor of all and have no other time for any other theory. It is this reason that they believe religion to be about believing in God and not about the belonging to a group.
  Fundamentalists have a very deep commitment in believing in religion which is a contrast to that of postmodernism. Postmodernists believe that religion is all about the individual choice, for example it is now a question of what suits me? and what is my truth?. This is where the traditional religions are decreasing and the new religions are increasing, as it is a pick and mix system which enables people to choose what is the...

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