Legalization of Abortions

Legalization of Abortions

Legalization of Abortions
Are you pregnant? Are you deciding if you should keep your baby? Well doubting either you should abort your baby is not really an option. You should have used protection. And getting an abortion cost a lot. Because when you abort you kill.
If you are just pregnant and have not been raped or you are in danger of dying, then you can’t abort. If you’re a teen and pregnant, and you don’t want the baby, then you shouldn’t be having sex in the first place. You just should have just used protection. Some things you should have done to prevent on having a baby are using a condom and using birth control. Next time use protection.
You probably didn’t know but getting an abortion cost a lot of money. The cost depends on how far away the pregnancy is. If you are on your first trimester then it will cost $350-$500. If you are after 20 weeks, then it will cost $1,000. Do you really want to pay that much money to kill an innocent little baby?
If you been raped, or your baby is incest or you and your baby are in danger of dying, then you can abort. If you have been raped by a relative and your baby ended up incest then you can abort. If you have been raped ant the rapier is not an relative then abortion is optional. I know it’s not your fault, but neither is the baby’s. So hope you make the right decision.
So there has been a lot of abortions over the last

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