Life stages presentation

Life stages presentation

Mineral and Water Function Essay
Kimberly Stephenson
Stephanie Thomas
February 26, 2014

Minerals are essential nutrients that are needed in small amounts to keep you healthy. Minerals do not give you energy or calories, but can help with other functions in your body. Your body does not make minerals. To meet your daily needs, minerals must be obtained through your diet. Most people can meet their mineral needs by eating a variety of healthy foods. This means choosing foods from all four food groups: vegetables and fruit, grain products, milk and alternatives as well as meat and alternatives. Aim to meet the minimum number of servings for each food group every day. Calcium is a main source of mineral and it helps build bones and teeth and helps keeps them strong. Iron carries oxygen to all parts of the body and prevents you from being tired. Magnesium keeps your nerves and muscles strong and helps form bone and teeth. Potassium helps control blood pressure and allows your nerves and muscles to work together. Zinc is needed for growth and development and maintains a healthy immune system.
Water helps keep the body hydrated and functioning. Water is vital for life and is an essential nutrient. Deprivation of water will kill an individual faster than being deprived of any other nutrient. This important liquid is a vital component of most major body processes. A primary function of water is to serve as a lubricant. Water is also in and surrounding body structures such as the brain, spinal cord and eyes. The water layer helps protect and cushion these vulnerable areas from shock and trauma that could otherwise cause significant damage. Water is an important agent in body temperature regulation. The human body cannot function unless this is maintained within a certain range. Water helps achieve this in two ways. Since water is slow to change temperature and is efficient at storing heat, the amount of...

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