interviewing stages

interviewing stages

Three Stage Model of Interviewing

In our ever day lives we use communication to engage with people and talk about whatever they feel like. In the field of human services we communicate by interviewing. Interviewing is different from random conservations and has a greater purpose. By interviewing our clients we can discover their stories and help them to learn to solve their problems. This paper will discuss the three stages of model in interviewing; discuss the different elements in each stage, and whether I believe if there are differentials in interviewing related to gender, cultural, and religious beliefs.


There are three stages in the interviewing model to help the one conducting the interview. These stages are to help structure and guide you through your interview. Each of these stages will help the human service worker to gain confidence in interviewing the client and help the client to open up and talk about their issues. The three stage model of interviewing is exploration, clarification, and action.


In the exploration stage of interviewing you are building the relationship with your client. In building a relationship with your client you can get to know them better and help them to feel more comfortable with the whole interviewing process. During this stage the clients identify there experiences,  issues and problems. This stage sets the tone for positive  engagement  between  the  client  and  the provider. The elements of exploration are attending behavior, effective questioning, reflecting content and feeling, and integrating your exploration skills. All these elements assist in the exploration stage of interviewing. Attending behavior is where you show interest in what your client is saying  and encourages the client to open up and talk freely. Evans, Hearn, Uhlemann & Ivey (2011) state attending behavior facilitates client communication by helping a client communicate in a  free and open manner, and keeping interviewer...

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