Literary Definitions

Literary Definitions

Literary Definitions
1. Exposition: Introduction to characters and setting, generally at the beginning of the story.
2. Setting: This is the time period and location in which the story will be set.
3. Conflict: Expresses a struggle the character or characters may be going through, whether internal or external.
4. Rising Action: Includes everything that leads to the climax of the story.
5. Climax: An important turning point in a narrative.
6. Falling Action: Usually after the climax, this is when the story starts to come to an end.
7. Resolution: When the conflict has been resolved, after the falling action and generally the end of the story.
8. Denouement: Similar to a resolution. Takes place during or after the falling action and signifies the ending of the story.
9. Character: Can be a person, animal, or personified object in a story.
10. Indirect Characterization: The author shows you a character’s personality or values through their appearance, what they do, or how they speak.
11. Direct Characterization: The author tells you about the character’s personality, values, or motives.
12. Round Character: A character with depth, where his or her personality and background is made evident by the author.
13. Dynamic Character: This character experiences a change during the story, such as a change in personality, values, or attitude.
14. Stock Character: This character is a typical character you see in many stories, and is instantly recognizable to a reader.
15. Static Character: This character does not change at all during the story.
16. Theme: The idea or meaning behind a story.
17. Symbol: Something that represents something meaningful in a story.
18. Abstract Symbol: The reader is meant to interpret the symbol.
19. Concrete Symbol: The author lays out the meaning of the symbol.

20. Irony: A figure of speech used where the literal meaning is different than the meaning that is actually implied.
21. Verbal Irony: When a character is...

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