

Lord of the Flies has many different symbols and themes, but there are three symbols that try to keep civility on the island and they are: Simon, Ralph, and Piggy.
Simon stands for kindness and compassion, he is very important whether or not savagery takes over the island. Simon has extreme compassion for Piggy even though other kids do not. “Simon, sitting between the twins and Piggy, wiped his mouth and shoved his piece of meat over the rocks to Piggy, who grabbed it. The twins giggled and Simon lowered his face in shame” (88). Simon was epileptic and in ancient times was meant to be insightful. Simon was too good for the island and was taken away by the ocean when he dies.
Simon is going to use his traits, being kind and compassionate to help bring civility back to the island. “Then, amid the roar of bees in the afternoon sunlight, Simon found for the fruit they could not reach... passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands” (64). Simon gives fruit to the kids so they do not have to go up and get the fruit themselves; this helps fight savagery by showing the kids that being kind makes people happy. Simon did not believe in the beastie until he found out what the beastie really was. He was going to tell the boys his good news, but died before he could. That news would of taken power away from Jack. Simon talked to the Lord of the Flies in one of his seizures and was able to foretell his death.He should of told the kids and maybe his death could have been seen as a line that they crossed and needed to go back.
Ralph is the main leader of the kids throughout most of the book, and he has a conflict with Jack to gain control of the island. Ralph runs the island with the conch what symbolizes law and order.
“He can hold it when he’s speaking” (45). Ralph looks to Piggy for answers. Ralph stands for democracy, which will make the island fair.
Ralph was not perfect but he had good ideas how to get off the island and to have law and order. He...

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