Martin Luther King Essay

Martin Luther King Essay

  • Submitted By: chavslayer
  • Date Submitted: 04/16/2009 5:49 AM
  • Category: Religion
  • Words: 1010
  • Page: 5
  • Views: 1

Martin Luther King was born in Atlanta, Georgia on 15th January 1929, in the heart of the American south. From an early age he was aware that black people were not treated as equally as white people were. A lot of black children his age would just try to ignore the racism towards them and try to lead a normal life. But King disagreed with the racism entirely.
White people would make black people sit at the back of buses because the front was for white people. Black people were made to give up their seats for white people if there were no seats left. It didn’t matter whether the Black person was elderly, sick or even pregnant they were still made to give up their seats. They had separated toilets and churches and were not allowed to vote. I think white people then acted as we would now. It is kind of like the immigrant situation of today where people from different countries come to ours to work and earn money. A lot of Britons think that they are all claiming benefits and taking our jobs and this makes the British angry towards immigrants as a whole.

King was a Christian. He became a doctor of theology and in 1954 a Baptist minister in Montgomery, Alabama. He believed that violence is never the answer to arguments and disagreements. He adopted the non-violent direct action idea that Mahatma Ghandi originally proposed and it successfully. NVDA is a strategy used for “social change” in which you do not use violence and usually use mass media in a way to educate the world against your plight. An example of King using NVDA was on March 7th 1969. King attempted to lead a march from Selma to capital state of Montgomery. On the day he led a group of demonstrators from Selma but when they got a third of the way there they were met by mob and police violence so they were forced to abort . Neither King or his demonstrators showed any violence towards the angry police officers nor did King dislike them for it. Perhaps a more well known example of NVDA that King lead...

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