Mastering a Skill - Spanish

Mastering a Skill - Spanish

Mastering a Skill

The skill I believe everyone should master is learning Spanish fluently. The benefits of mastering this skill are a great asset. Many places in the United States have a large Spanish speaking community. Having this skill influences jobs and everyday people skills. Spanish will change lives, yours and the people around you.
Spanish is becoming America’s second language. In large cities it is crucial to know this language. There are many countries where Spanish is their primary language and mastering the skill makes vacationing to those countries a breeze. You might run into some one at your job or just out in your daily lives that can only speak Spanish. Maybe they can speak English but not very well. Being able to properly communicate with them makes everyone’s lives a little easier. I know first-hand how crucial it really is. I have a Spanish speaking wife and two baby girls who will also know the language so I must learn it.
I vacationed to Mexico a couple years ago knowing only very basic Spanish; thankfully I had my wife there to help me translate. All of her family is pretty much in Mexico and they only know Spanish. A prime example why it is so important and consequences of not having this skill I have experienced as well. I was looking for a job in an area where there is a vast Spanish speaking community. I have applied at many places and I received a call for an interview. I met all the skills needed with great expectations until they learned I did not know fluent Spanish. After learning that alone, I was disqualified for the position because I would not be able to properly communicate with everyone as needed for that area.
Some people know that we the United States have no official language. English is first in the order of spoken languages just ahead of Spanish. Mexico has the greatest Spanish speaking population then the United States just ahead of Columbia. In the United States there are more Spanish...

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