Mba Pursuits

Mba Pursuits

Striving for excellence has always been a requirement and not a chore in my everyday life. In my pursuit for striving for excellence I have decided to pursue achieving my Masters of Business Administration. I have always lived by the motto of, “Honorable Achievement in Every Field of Human Endeavor.” I believe that by obtaining my MBA that it will help me accomplish three things: competitive edge in the work place, personal satisfaction, and ability to be an effective mentor.

Obtaining my MBA is very important to me and my own personal development. As a child my mother and mentor were very influential on my life. My mother graduated from high school with her dreams of becoming a teacher in the New York City Public Schools. After she completed high school she attended Lincoln University, in which her focus became education. Soon after here completion of her undergraduate studies she attended Queens College to obtain her Masters in Education. I always admired her work ethic and strong desire to achieve and accomplish her goals. She instilled in my dedication, determination, and to think bigger than yourself. My mentor, completed an MBA program at Boston College while still working full time for Chase Manhattan Bank. He was the deciding factor in me deciding to go back to school. I would always talk about going back to receive my MBA but, never made those words a reality. By obtaining my MBA I would be accomplishing in a personal goal of mine in achieving; achieving not only for myself but to make me a positive role model for my four year old son, Caleb. I want to be a father who is educated, focused, and driven to succeed. This will allow me to be a positive role model to him on his journey of becoming a young man.

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