Pediatric Nursing

Pediatric Nursing

Pediatric Nursing Study Guide

Basic Concepts:
1. Family: A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.

2. NUCLEAR FAMILY: 2 parents and their children.( biological, adoptive, step, foster); TRADITIONAL NUCLEAR: Married couple with biological children; SINGLE PARENT FAMILY: 1 parent and 1+ children; BLENDED FAMILY: at least 1 step parent/sibling or half sibling; EXTENDED FAMILY: at least 1 parent , 1+ children and other related or non related persons; GAY/LESBIAN FAMILY; 2 members of the same sex with/out children; FOSTER FAMILY: child/children that are in approved living environment away from family of origin; BINUCLEAR FAMILY: divorced parents continue as parents; COMMUNAL FAMILY: individuals that share common ownership of property/goods and exchange services without monetary consideration.

3. Common family issues include chronic illness, abuse and divorce

4. In infants stress can result when an infant's needs are not met. In toddlers stress can result from being separated from their mothers. In children stress can come from pressure in school or parental expectations. Qualities of a functional family include effective communication, established values, positive outlook, ability to be flexible and adapt to changes and sense of appreciation and encouragement for tasks accomplished.

5. Nurses roles in assisting grieving families include providing info to children/families about the disease, meds, procedures and expected events. Encourage parents to participate in caring for their children, allow visitation of family and friends. Provide opportunities for children and families to ask questions. Provide and encourage professional support and guidance from a trusted member of the healthcare team. Give families privacy.

6. Psychosocial distress in the child can manifest as nail biting, mood swings acting out behavior, change in eating/sleeping patterns, frequent stomach aches, headaches, excessive clinging to...

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