Pillsbury Case Study

Pillsbury Case Study

Assignment 2: Pillsbury Case Study

Question: Which Customers should Pillsbury Cookies focus on? Why?
Answer: We feel that the major focus of Pillsbury Cookies should be kids instead of middle-aged working mothers.
This is because:
1. There is a difference in how baking is perceived amongst working mothers in the two countries.
Since the focus of working mothers in the U.S. is to save time, therefore they like to avoid baking from scratch.
For Canadian mothers, the baking experience fed the senses and fuelled memories of happy moments. Canadian mothers felt that they were showing their affection by baking.
2. The studies conducted on ‘Usage and Attitude of consumers’ showed that 42% mothers viewed baking Pillsbury cookies as a bonding opportunity with their kids.
3. At the same time, the study showed that the baking process was not as important for the kids as eating the cookies. The enthusiasm level of children for participating in the baking process varied greatly.
4. The results of the survey indicated that the buying preferences of Canadian mothers were influenced to a great extent by the desires of their kids.
5. We also saw that the significant differences in U.S. and Canadian market arose from the factors associated with kids such as how fun it was to bake the cookies with kids, if kids liked to make them, if baking was a fun activity for the kids and if kids like to eat them.
6. The results of the study also showed that only 28% Canadian children requested to buy Pillsbury cookie dough. Since we have established that children are the main purchase-drivers in Canada, we need to focus on that segment so as to achieve the company’s targets.
Based on the findings, the most prudent step for Gillian to do will be to adopt a dual-pronged strategy of a) increasing frequency of purchase of existing customers, and b) increasing household penetration. The way to achieving this to increase the demand for Pillsbury cookies among kids.


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