Plato - Philosophy as an Influence

Plato - Philosophy as an Influence

Philosophy by definition is “the love of wisdom” that derives by Greek. Philosophy is all about curiosity and asking why, what, where, when and others or simply can’t stop asking - Why we have eyes? What are we made of? Who creates the earth? – Since we learn to talk. It explains all the questions and assumptions mostly about the life of living that has been winding in our head for years as it focuses on values and society. It also basically teaches you how to think but not what to think, as it is the study of meaning beyond the knowledge, many things can be clearly expressed in good ways. A very great philosopher, Socrates states that “The unexamined life is not worth living” that arise when some people do not believe in learning philosophy. They believe that philosophy has nothing important to do to with them. Philosophy is not just about answering questions but it is also the guide to the happy life and to live life to the fullest. By guidance in life, we manage to wisely use the virtue of living as all critically arguments on what is good and what is bad has the answers for it.
As we grew up, a lot of questions want to be answered as it always twisting in peoples’ mind by observations and experiences. Obviously a child knows that the skies are blue. The urge to know or curiosity on why the sky is blue deeper is also the subject matter of philosophy. A grownup that teaches their child the basic of what is happening around them is coincidencely using the knowledge that is called as philosophy - study the meaning of life. Additionally, children’s should be filled with experiences in living by the grownups educating them. As for Albert Einstein, the very genius philosopher says that, “We never cease to stand like curious

children before the great mystery into which we are born”. This explains that it make sense that there is a distinction between the appearance and reality – what you see is not merely what you get. There is always a scientific explanation...

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