Pre-fire Plans When the fire alarm signal is sounded, crew members are instructed to muster to their respective emergency squad stations. The crew is divided into four fire teams. The teams muster at their respective repair lockers and squad leaders will be the command center for their respective repair lockers. All squad members communicate with their squad leader and the four squad leaders communicate with the chief mate on the status of their muster and if anyone is missing. The Chief Engineer will standby the in Engine Control Room and the Chief Mate is in charge of whole operation. If for some reason, a crew member is not present, a search will be conducted to locate his or her whereabouts. The first and logical thing to do is to use the internal telephone system to call the missing crewmember’s room or a radio will be used if deemed appropriate. If the crew member can not be reached, a search is carried out Depending on where the fire is located, several actions take place. The squad leaders will assign jobs to members of their squad. These jobs include those who are to suit up in firefighting gear, those who will be back ups or will carry extra firefighting gear, and those who are suited up for boundary cooling. Each repair locker located is equipped with 10 SCBAs, fire suits, and gear for the fire team. An engine room fire will usually be a Class B fire and dry chemical extinguishers are located around the engine room for fighting Class B fires. The engine room also contains 2 ½ “ hoses and 1 ½ “ hoses. These can be used for boundary cooling in such cases. If fighting the fire with extinguishers or hoses is not practical, other firefighting fixed systems are installed. If it is an isolated incident, several Halon systems can be tripped to fight the fire. The Halon systems are attached to the main engine spaces, auxiliary spaces, each diesel generator module, each gas turbine module, and any hazardous material lockers. In the event...