process analysis

process analysis

Balancing studies, work, family and activities has never been easy. I struggle to keep pace working full time on my job, spending valuable time with family and friends, and keeping track with school demands. I work as a housekeeping/male locker room attendant at YMCA. From Monday through Saturday, I wake up early and leave home at five in the morning to arrive at work on time since work starts at six. In that way, I avoid traffic and it gives me ample time to mentally and physically prepare me for work. I help personal trainers by providing them with towels for their clients and making sure that the area is clean. I also clean bathrooms and mop the floors to ensure that all guests will have a wonderful experience at YMCA. In this way, we minimize guest complaints. Majority of my job focuses in cleaning and providing assistance to guests. When I get home by 4:30 in the afternoon, that’s where my school time begins. I go straight to my room and do my homework so I can catch up with my studies. I’m lucky enough to be living with my parents and my sister. In that way, I don’t have to worry about cooking for dinner because I have a mom who loves to cook a lot. After dinner, my sister and I would need to help out doing household chores. She is assigned to clean the kitchen and I wash the dishes. After completing the chores, I would go back doing my homework. Everyday seems to be a bundle of workload because of the things that I need to accomplish. Bedtime seemed to be the only break I had for the entire day but still I’m grateful for such a productive day. Currently, I’m taking English Composition and Computer Information System. The struggle was real but I have to admit, I am enjoying quite too well. I find the English course to be significantly helpful in my future career, although the amount of effort I must put into each paper is quite exhausting. With the schedule I have, I can no longer manage to go to gym or play basketball with my friends. I only have one...

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