PSYC304 Week 8 Final Exam

PSYC304 Week 8 Final Exam

PSYC304 Week 8 Final Exam

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Final Exam (Week 8)
Question 1 of 54 1.0 Points
What depth cue could be classified as a binocular cue and an oculomotor cue?




Question 2 of 54 1.0 Points
Of the oculomotor depth cues, convergence is __________ than accommodation.


B.more effective

C.equally effective
D.less automatic
Question 3 of 54 1.0 Points
The imaginary place in which all objects project to corresponding points in the left and right retina is

A.the horopter

B.univariance plane

C.constancy arc

D.Air Force One
Question 4 of 54 1.0 Points
The depth cue of ___________ is most important in the Ponzo (railroad track) illusion.

A.perspective convergence


D.motion parallax
Question 5 of 54 1.0 Points
According to Gregory's misapplied size constancy scaling hypothesis, we perceive the "arrows pointing out" version of the Muller-Lyer illusion as

A.longer, because it is perceived as being further away
B.longer because it is perceived as being closer

C.shorter, because it is perceived as further away

D.shorter, because it is perceived as being closer

Question 6 of 54 1.0 Points
A major assumption of the apparent-distance theory of the moon illusion is that they sky overhead

A.appears to be further away than the horizon because of the lack of the depth cue of atmospheric perspective
B.appears to be further away than the horizon because of the depth cue of stereopsis

C.appears to be closer than the horizon because of the lack of depth cues

D.appears to be closer than the horizon because of the depth cue of accommodation
Question 7 of 54 1.0 Points
Infants tend to look more at objects that

A.are uniformly gray

B.are uniformly black
C.are uniformly...

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