Public admin

Public admin

provide the services.  However, these public institutions are required to provide the services in an effective, efficient and economical manner in order for them to achieve their mandates. 3.1 Effectiveness. This means achieving the set objectives or vision. In other words, obtaining the desired results from activities performed. For example, the Department of Human Settlement is tasked to provide good quality houses and settlements to citizens across the country. Therefore, the department can only be regarded as effective in the service provision when the above objectives are achieved. In a nutshell, effectiveness is all about “doing what you set out to do in the first place”. 3.2 Efficiency. This means using minimum resources for service provision and obtaining maximum results. In other words, utilizing few resources available without wastage and obtaining positive results. For instance, the department of Human Settlement can only be regarded as efficient in their service provision if they provide their service without any form of corruption and resources are used optimally.  For this to be achieved, the department would be required to follow the right methods and procedures such as complying with all the rules and legislations such as the Public Financial Management Act 1999. 3.3 Economical. providing the public service in an affordable manner. In other words, it deals with the question of public affordability. Can the public institution afford to provide the service in a specific manner? For instance, the Department of Basic Education can only be regarded as economical when they provide the service, achieve their objectives without over-spending or wasting funds. Being economical is also related more with the budget of the specific institution and it’s closely linked with efficiency. Moreover, in relation to the Department of Public Works in constructing security upgrades in the President’s House; it was not economical for them to conduct such extreme...

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