Public Ethics

Public Ethics

Publication Ethics
Student’s Name
Coarse Name and Number
Instructor’s Name

The better choice is sending a message to the publisher and tell him it was a mistake to correct it, without informing the supervisor. The publication of the laboratory work is an important stepping stone in the development of a respected and coherent knowledge network. It gives a direct picture of the quality of the school and author that support them. Therefore, it important to work in line with the expected publication ethical behavior.
The publication ethics require that the authorship of the paper must be limited to the individuals who have made a paramount contribution to the execution, conception, interpretation or design of the work to be published. Hence, the publication ethics were foiled by the student, unqualified individual, to publish the laboratory work and the same work gets reviewed by the teachers. This decision undermines the conception of the work to be published. This ultimately means that work that has been compiled by a student is of poor quality even though it is not recognized by the publisher. It is also wrong to choose the student and the supervisor as the only contributing parties.
The publication ethics also require that when the author identifies a huge mistake or any form of inaccuracy in the work he or she published, it is the duty of the author to inform the publisher the error and work with the publisher to remove or correct the error in the work. Therefore, it is right for the student to inform the publisher that all the effort he had put towards the publication of the laboratory work were ethically wrong and needed to be corrected. He or she should not inform the supervisor because the supervisor has no publication rights.

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