Jennifer Mayfield
Professor Ford
ENGL 1301
28 Sept 2013
Remembering Your Audience in Writing
When writing a good paper, the author uses rhetoric throughout to get whatever point across. The definition of rhetoric states using examples to support whatever the author is discussing. It is also making a case as strong as can be and in the best possible way. The use of rhetoric is used more than a person might think. In fact, a person uses it or reads it several times a day; sometimes a person might not be aware that it is being used at all since it seems to come natural at times. Depending on whom the author is writing to and what the subject is will depend on how the paper will be written. When using rhetoric there are several things that the author will need to keep in mind; such as using good grammar, knowing who the reader will be, and being a judge on the effectiveness of what is being written.
Using language correctly is a very essential part of communication in today’s times. If an author does not use proper grammar, then a reader could end up being confused by what the author is trying to say. If grammar is used incorrect a reader is more likely to notice it and assume that the author does not know how to communicate correctly. Grammar is very important because the world will have a tendency to judge a person based on how that person uses grammar in communication. If good grammar is used then it is assumed that there is intelligence present in knowing how to communicate to others; and if not used correctly, then someone can feel overlooked since it will be presumed that there is not much intelligence for communicating properly. It is important for an author to make sure that good grammar is observed at all times, so there can be no question concerning the reader on what is being presented.
When writing, a person has to decide what type of writing will be done. In using rhetoric in writing, there are three different styles of...