Seat Belt Laws

Seat Belt Laws

Jordan Arruda English 11 Researched Argument Essay First Draft 11/19/2008 Seat Belt Laws Every state may have a different seat belt law, but to get my point across picking one certain states law will make no difference. I do not have an argument against a specific states seat belt law, but seat belt enforcement in general. I do agree that seat belts save lives, and I understand why the police are enforcing the public to wear their seat belts. I agree that seat belts should be worn by people. I wear a seat belt everyday myself. I encourage people who I drive with to wear a seat belt. This is not where my argument lies. It is far from it. I have an issue with the way the police are enforcing these seat belt laws and fines. I think it is absurd to be fined for a luxury that we as individuals have in our own vehicles. To wear a seat belt is all up to the person in the automobile. Why should that person be penalized for a decision that they have made? I could understand the whole scenario if they were putting other people in danger, but that is not the case. People who do not wear seat belts are putting, if anyone, themselves at risk and danger. It is careless for them not to wear a seat belt, and everybody is well aware of the benefits of wearing a seat belt. If they choose not to wear one, they should deal with the results. It is a small decision that we as individuals make every day in our lives. Seat belts save lives, and you put yourself in danger by not wearing one. If people are getting pulled over, and fined for something that potentially puts them in danger then let me ask you this. Why is it legal for people to smoke cigarettes? I am pretty sure it is well aware that cigarettes are a danger to your health, and even cause cancer. Just like not wearing a seat belt puts that individual at risk and danger, so does a cigarette. The person smoking the cigarette is aware of the consequences that may occur down the road. They are potentially causing...

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