

Personal SWOT analysis


Focus on the study.
Motivation towards the degree.
Family & friends support.
Effective time management.
Knowing about some topics.
Ability to approach good sources for the researches.

Limitation of knowledge of writing formal essays.
Managing time between essay writing, work and family commitments.
Losing concentration.


Upgrading my level of education via gaining the Bachelor Degree.
Possibility of getting a promotion at work after the completion the programme.
Pursue to master level.

Unforeseen circumstances at work or in the family.
Losing interest in the assignments.
Unable to access online documents required for essay writing.

SWOT Reflection

Actions to mitigate Limitation of Knowledge of Writing Formal Essays.
The first weakness the author has acknowledged in the SWOT analysis is lack of practice of writing formal essays. It is understandable that formal essay writing may not have occurred since high school. Within the academic Study Skills Guide November 2013, three draft versions of essays and tasks are permitted which would allow the author time to reflect upon advice and guidance from the assigned tutor before submitting the final version.

In essence the author’s essays will develop in style and content throughout the journey of the degree from the creative instructions from the tutor as to presentation and relevance.

Harvard Referencing may well be a new concept to the author but a concept needed for a BSc (Hons) Engineering Management degree. A recommended book that details this is:

Howitt (2012), The Harvard style of referencing published material,

Actions to mitigate Managing Time Effectively
It is paramount to fulfil all work, assignments and family commitments effectively. This highlights the need to manage time extremely carefully so that there is time to complete assignments, and the required...

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