The Cons of Gay Marriage'

The Cons of Gay Marriage'

Against Gay Marriage by William J. Bennett sharers strong opinions about the cons of gay marriage. The issue of legalizing gay marriage is not a new topic of the American people, however more now then ever “rights” have been found and governments seem to be being pushed to legalize gay marriage. Making this type of marriage legal will promote faithfulness and monogamy also will have a profound change of what marriage means. Many feel this is a step we should not take for the “honorable estate” in which marriage is based. In other words allowing gay marriage to be equal to that of heterosexual will have repercussions that will affect our everyday lives as well as our children education. We find that teens find it cool to consider them selves gay or bisexual. The Question of the day is why or why not allows this act of union between two people who love each other. Well I say why not two people who loves each other get married allow. The issues is not damaging the meaning of marriage it is just changing the life stile of marriage. In the US today we all know some one that is gay and for the most part we don’t know that they are gay or bisexual, but this is not new and not just in the US. In many countries people are not allowed to be gay or bisexual (in the public eye) so they live most of there life being heterosexual, yet they really are not and have to live a double life. I also feel that we saying to our kids that if you are gay or bisexual it is ok not to have a relationship with one person because you are not married. When saying that marriage in a union of man and woman may be correct but as we all know our country is quick to make a law to allow or prohibit what they please. In this case all there is to do is change that law. My understanding of the reading Against Gay Marriage is that the people don’t have much to say and ones that do are young teens that are apart of the problem. This is not unusual to see I can’t help but think that it all about the...

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