The Good Stuff

The Good Stuff

Education what does is it mean? For the average person it most likely means going to school and learning what is taught in class. Will to define the dictionary version of it the word educate needs to be define and it is defined as “to develop mentally, morally, or aesthetically especially by instruction b: to provide with information” ("Educate"). Education really is just a process of educating oneself. Education is the reason why there is college after high school. It has been designed so people can continue their thirst for knowledge well beyond high school, but there is one big difference between the two and that is cost. College is not free. College should be free.
There are many goals for a teacher getting students ready for college and those already teaching college courses. After talking with a few teachers to see what they had in mind for college goals it was to advance the students intellect. This came from talking to a few local teachers from the Shelton area. A goal that it is not from Shelton, is in this quote, “Getting all high school students to take rigorous courses is the best way to ensure that all students are prepared for college and careers”(“Getting Student Ready”). This way they will be better prepared for college level course. This is easy to see why it would further their college education in the first year of classes. Almost everyone that has attended a first year course and has ran into a student who is not ready for college. The reason that they are not ready is because they chose to take easy classes through high school with no challenges. This makes it hard for teachers to set the bar high enough to make it challenging for the students. Students are also responsible for setting goals for college.
Student goals for a college education vary greatly. This variation was easily notice when talking with students from a variety of age groups. First off, are the current and former running start students, about half them said...

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