the myttly beach

the myttly beach

discriptive essay: Myrtle beach
Devon Smith
The place where I feel most comfortable is a place where I am calm. A place that is peaceful in its own ways. It is the place to go to get away from all my troubles. It is the one place where I could sit forever, and never get tired of just staring into the deepest blue I have ever seen. It is the place where I can sit and think the best. A place where nothing matters but what is in that little moment. The one place capable of sending my senses into an overload. This place is the ocean at myrtle beach.

Have you ever had a dreadful time at the beach? I highly doubt it. The beach can be a very relaxing place to be. There are so many things about the beach that make it a calming place. The most obvious things are the sights and sounds. From the ocean to the beautiful seascape. The less noticeable are what you feel, smell and believe it or not taste. There is not much to dislike at the beach, except maybe a bad case of sunburn if your not careful. Going to the beach on the first warm sunny day after a long and frigid winter is bliss. Overall a trip to the beach can be a calming getaway from the everyday stressors and pressure of reality.

Myrtle beach is full of exciting things and many thrilling venues. From its beatiful glossy white sand to its blue moon water theres alway something to see or do. When we first arrived there was the look of wonder on my face. The greatest sight to see in myrtle beach is the hot little mommas in bikinis and for a 16 year old boy its a lovley sight.

You may not think about it much, but there are many tastes and smells present at the beach. There is something about the smell of the salty sea air that gives reminders of summer, making you wish it would never end. Another reminder of a summer beach day is the odor of the sunscreen. That to me is my most memorable smell off all times at the beach.
Another part of my day at the beach would be the ice cream stand across...

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