three keys to success in bodybuilding

three keys to success in bodybuilding

Three Keys to Success in Bodybuilding
I got interested in bodybuilding during my junior year in high school. I was tired of being a tiny kid that weighed 105 pounds, so I started lifting every day and I loved it. I became passionate about lifting, and I dedicated most of my time to lifting. The three keys to success in bodybuilding for me are proper workouts, nutrition and recovery. Everybody is different and everybody lifts different and has different methods. These are the methods that work for me. Bodybuilding takes an enormous amount of hard work and dedication to be successful.
Proper Workouts
Proper workouts for me are having a set schedule for the week. What that looks like for me is lifting chest on Sundays, back and biceps on Monday. On Tuesday I do legs, Wednesday is shoulders. Then on Thursday I do chest and triceps, Friday is a bicep isolation day, then on Saturday I hit back. I also do abs at least five times a week. For chest I do a lot of fly’s just to get blood pumped into my chest, I don't do much of barbell bench because it is an alternative to dumbbell bench. I do go heavy on biceps and deadlifts, but that is about the only workouts that I go heavy on. On Tuesday I do legs, what I do for legs is light weight and a lot of reps. For triceps I do pretty much the same thing. On Friday I do an isolation bicep workout were I do a lot of workout that isolate the bicep in a way I don't usually do.
The nutrition aspect of bodybuilding is probably the most important part to be successful. What I believe works for me is eating three cups of oatmeal and about four egg whites to go along with my protein shake for breakfast. I get energy from the egg whites, carbohydrates from the oatmeal and protein from my shake. For lunch I eat grilled chicken, white rice and Greek yogurt. I eat the chicken because it is low in calories, the rice I eat for carbohydrates and the yogurt is for some protein. For dinner I will eat something to carb load...

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