Washing Clothes

Washing Clothes

The first step to washing clothes is sorting. There are many steps to washing clothes. All steps may have the same intention but can be done different ways depending on the person. When I wash clothes there are three main steps I follow such as: sorting the clothes, washing and drying clothes, and folding the clothes. because
Sorting is the most important step in washing clothes. It is important you cannot wash all your clothes together. I start by sorting my whites. Then I sort my colored clothes. After my colored I sort my jeans and my delicate. That’s the end of step1, sorting; now I have to wash the clothes.
The second step is washing the clothes. First I adjust the knobs on my washing machine. After adjusting the Machine I begin to put my clothes in the Machine. While putting my clothes in the machine I also add my favorite detergent, which is Tide. When that is complete I have to wait because there is a waiting process in washing clothes. During that process I usually sort other clothes or start cleaning something else around the house. That’s the end of step 2. Now moving on to step 3, which is folding and separating the clothes.
The last step to washing clothes is drying, separating, and folding. Drying is very important because if you do not transfer your clothes from the washing machine to the dryer your clothes well get sour from not being aired out. Your clothes may also bleed onto each other if you do not transfer them. After taking them out the dryer I put them on the couch and then start another load of clothes. I return to my couch and fold the clothes. While folding the clothes I separate at the same time. Those are all the steps I follow in washing clothes.
In conclusion, there are a thousand ways to wash clothes. Mine may not be the best way to was but it is a way. If you follow my steps you should be successful in washing clothes. Those are my steps to washing clothes.

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