Work Is Good

Work Is Good

"Father God, guide my every thought and every action to the end that I may lend my being to those you have appointed over me this day. Give me strength to provide my very best and to pray for those whose employ I reside in. Bless them and the homes from whence they come. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. It is in the Mighty name of Jesus that I ask and receive these things, Amen!"

Massive inbox (e-mail) to no surprise though. After all, it is Monday morning and, aside from this being my first full day on the job, we have just landed the ISNS Network Integration contract. Not a moment too soon, I hear. The teams have been getting a bit restless and boss, like the rest, have been very concerned about the destiny of the regime at Allied Technology Group, Inc. (West Operations). Finally, the breather that everyone has been waiting for.

Now, the moment that I have been also waiting for has presented itself. Not only am I the new kid on the block but I have the opportunity to rectify a slight but critical deficit in the Division. We have a broad inventory of skills in the Command and Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence Surveillance/Reconnaissance (C4ISR) arena and the market in the Southern California sector lends itself to this niche of the Information Technology Industry. We are faced with maximizing efficiency of our resources and improving upon loss-prevention.

It is the perfect scenario for me to step into. Our “out-go” is almost exceeding our “in-come”; hence, we risk our “up-keep” becoming the catalyst for our “down-fall”. However, we have the making of an extremely smooth operating machine. The teams are experts by anyone’s estimate, they have the talent to meeting any attainable goal/deadline, reputation is intact, management framework is trainable and willing to explore new options.

Production Meetings will be held weekly, preferably, each Monday. Reports must be more definitive. Customers will be kept...

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