85 bears

85 bears

The 1985 Chicago Bears

The ‘85 Bears are considerably the best professional football team to ever be assembled. Of course there are doubters, people who think the bears couldn’t play in this game today but in all reality the teams today couldn’t handle the 46. The 46 defense was created by Buddy Ryan (the bears defensive coordinator at the time) to stop the very effective running style common for about every team in the 80’s. Another reason teams today would never be able to hang with the legendary bears team is because the bears were punishers. Every player on that defense averaged around 1 sack a game but as a team they averaged 6. They were always attacking the quarterback, having bets on who would get there first, their goal was to put the opposing quarterback out of the game.

The 46 was led by middle linebacker Mike Singletary, he was Buddy Ryans apprentice loved the 46 about as much as Buddy. For that they butted heads for a few years until Mike realized that if they wanted to win they would have to trust Buddy and do as they were told, so that is what he and his teammates did from then on out. They were virtually unstoppable winning every game that year besides one night in Miami where the Dolphins led by hall of fame quarterback Dan Marino, gave them the biggest wake up call of their lives, beating them 38-24.

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