

Michael Walsh
Many people in the United States bring up the rough topic of abortion and if it should be legal. It is pretty clear that abortion in itself is wrong doing in the nature of human life. Numerous people believe it is unethical to take a child’s life that hasn’t had the opportunity to live. Then on the other hand abortion allows women take away their mistake of getting pregnant, at an unstable time in their life.
Having a baby is a life changing experience, which sometimes women have to deal with at the wrong time in their lives. Abortion gives couples the chance to not have a baby with life threating medical conditions.  One an 800 babies have Down Syndrome and it isn’t fair to bring a kid into this world, who will have to suffer from a severe disability (ProCon.org). A baby should only be brought into this world if intended on happening. Forty-nine percent of babies brought into this world are unintentional and having a baby requires most needed planning (pro). Having abortion legal is a very good asset in monitoring the population and keeping people out of poverty. With women without health insurance, which is a vast amount they will end up paying around two thousand dollars just for birth. Having a baby is very costly and demanding on your life. When people have babies at the wrong time, it can destroy their dreams for the years to come. Abortion gives couples the opportunity to say no to pregnancy and wait to their lives are more rounded. It’s not a good environment for a baby to grow up in when, your supporting the life of the child strictly off food stamps. Motherhood should never be a punishment for a simply mistake made in the past, it’s a life decision. President Obama stated in his 2008 campaign that he has two daughters and will teach them morals and proper values, but if they make a mistake he wouldn’t believe in them having a baby (ProCon.org). Having abortion legal benefits this country because women are able to...

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