Altered States

Altered States

Altered states of ConsciousnessAltered states of consciousness generally include alterations in both the content and functioning of the consciousness, usually experienced by an individual and somtimes observed by others watching him. The term "state" is not to be trivialized but denotes the states or stages of behavior through which the individual progresses. Frequently persons in these states appear to be in a sleeplike condition commonly referred to as a trance.Among the long term effects are the radical shifts in the perception in one's self and environment that result in a semi-permanent redefinition of one's self, world, and values. Frequently altered states of consciousness either are induced personally or by others which may or may not produce lasting effects. Some religious groups do seek to induce such altered states in persons so they may derive spiritual insight and value changes from them. The most dramatic examples of these states are mystical experiences.The experience of being united with God or nature is called a mystical experience. Such experiences may be of a religious or nonreligious nature. The nonreligious experiences derive much of their content from nature; although many religious mystics have been lead to God or the Absolute through nature. However, not all transcendental experiences with nature are mystical, but just render feelings of overwhelming joy or ecstasy. Causes other than religious beliefs, such as illnesses and accidents, can result in altered states of consciousness or mystical experiences.Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772)Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772), the Swedish scientist and scholar, also claimed to have experienced mystical experiences in the form of dreams. These episodes began at the age of fifty-six. In these dreams he traveled to spiritual planes such as heaven and hell where he claimed to have spoken with Jesus, and God, and spirits of the dead which he referred to as angels. Also, he claimed to have seen the order of...

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