Coming Out Letter

Coming Out Letter

Dear Mother,
I know I have told you this before, but I am telling you this again. I am a lesbian. I don’t care if you’re angry. You have a right. But, don’t be angry at my actions; be angry at me because there are no actions in this situation. Being gay is not a choice, nor action, it is who you are. I did not choose to be gay, nor did anyone else in the LGBT community. And when I carved “I am gay” on my arm on the night of May, 19 2012, it was no lie. You cannot choose to be gay, just like you cannot choose to be straight. You were born straight just like I was born a lesbian.
In some cases, the parents will say “I love you the way you are” or “It’s just a phase”, but no, not in our case. You decided to say it was a choice, I will go to hell, it is a burden, I don’t understand because I have autism, and much more. But mom, it’s not a choice, I will not go to hell because I am still a Christian, you choose to make it a burden, and I do understand. On the evening of January 8, 2013 you said I have Asperger’s, not Autism. I also recall that you said Autism was much more severe than Asperger’s, even in the smaller cases. Mom, I do not have Autism, so I do understand.
You might not think these are reasonable replies (or excuses in your eyes), but they are.

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