Compare and Contrast

Compare and Contrast

1. Adam sinned in paradise by eating the forbidden
fruit, but man was not cut off from communion with
Allah through this transgression: There is no fall and
no original sin in Islam (2,35-39).
2. Man is always capable of deciding to do right or to
do wrong. He can please Allah by obeying to his
commandments and by doing good deeds. If he
transgresses against Allah's commandments and
commits sin, this does not affect or touch Allah. In
the first place, man sins against himself (7,19-25;
3. Faith means to believe in Allah's existence, to be
thankful towards him and to obey to Allah's
commandments (2,177).
4. The penitent sinner hopes to obtain Allah's
forgiveness. The Qur'ân again and again praises
Allah's mercy and grace, but in every single case the
sinner does not know for sure, if he will obtain
forgiveness. He does not know for sure in his present
life, whether he may enter paradise after his death.
Allah is too omnipotent that man could definitely
predict his attitude and dealing with man (7,156;
1. Adam transgressed God's commandment in
paradise by eating the forbidden fruit. With this, he
brought sin, death and seperation from God for all
human beings into the world. Reconciliation with
God is only possible through Jesus' death (2. Corinthians
5,18-19; Romans 3,20).
2. Man's nature is evil after the fall. He is unable to
do anything in order to atone for his sins. If he tries to
keep God's law, it will lead him even deeper into sin.
His single sins are always directed against God
(Romans 3,10-12+20; Psalm 51,6).
3. Faith means, to realize one's own sinfulness and
damnation, to accept redemption for oneself through
Jesus Christ and to live according to God's
commandments by the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts
4. The penitent sinner knows for sure that God will
grant forgiveness to him, since God has definitely
promised in His Word to do so (1. John 1,9).
Whoever appeals to Jesus' death...

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