CV Personal Statement Example to show skills for Work Experience Programmes

CV Personal Statement Example to show skills for Work Experience Programmes

I am a Young Leader with the Girl Guides and have been for several years. I thoroughly enjoy doing this as it is very rewarding to give back after Girl Guiding gave and helped me so much. I have been able to improve my leadership skills through this, especially in the completion of my Young Leader Qualification. I am about to undertake my Queen’s Guide award and my Commonwealth award; both very prestigious and demanding challenges within Girl Guiding. I already have completed my Baden-Powell Challenge, the highest award a Guide can achieve. It requires commitment, determination and skill. I played netball for St Asaph Ladies and am a Q-Level Umpire. Through this I have been part of a team and proved I am able to take instruction but also contribute to team efforts through suggestions and actions. I enjoy playing Goal Defence for them. I volunteer in Ysgol Pen Barras in Ruthin every week. I enjoy working with the children and enjoy watching them learn. I am an accomplished pianist and singer. I achieved a merit in my Grade 5 piano and am currently studying for my Grade 5 theory; Grade 6 piano and Grade 8 singing. I regularly sang with St Asaph Cathedral choir as a soprano until I reached the age limit of 16. This required commitment, teamwork and leadership. As Senior Chorister, it was my role to ensure the younger girls were in the correct place and were aware of the order and what was going on. Now I am part of St Asaph Voluntary Choir which sings a service once a month. I am one of the main Soprano soloists. I am also part of St Asaph Diocesan Youth Forum, a decision making body for the Church in Wales made up of young people. I currently hold the role of spokesperson and have had many opportunities within this role. For example, I have given a presentation at The Time is Now Conference in Llandudno with my fellow spokesperson and also I have spoken at the Governing Body of the Church in Wales’ AGM. This involved giving a quick presentation and then we were...

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