Dinner Time

Dinner Time

  • Submitted By: tanya
  • Date Submitted: 07/01/2008 8:40 PM
  • Category: Miscellaneous
  • Words: 906
  • Page: 4
  • Views: 2

Fried chicken thighs, mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy, crab salad, and Caesar salad. The dinner table is loaded with mouth watering food. Aromas of pastries and warmth are coming from the kitchen. My family gathers around the dining room table, and after my father says a prayer of thanks for the abundance of everything in our lives, we all sit down to enjoy our dinner. Making light conversation, we relishing the well prepared meal my mother cooked. Once our stomachs are no longer grumbling, we slow down, and start discussing the days’ events. Zheka cracks a joke about how the smart ass he works with, fell off the roof they were working on, landing on a bush. Eduard tells us how his son Max crawled into his baby sister’s stroller, and stepped on her legs, thankfully not on her head. I relate to everyone what I learned in psychology that day. Freud’s psychosexual theory states that people created sports, to release sexual tension. The atmosphere is light, and everyone’s cherishing the moment. Dinner time is the only time of day when we all get together, and talk about anything and everything. Like all families should.
Years, even centuries ago, dinner time was a time that majority of families spent together. In some cases, it was a formal experience, requiring members to arrive well dressed, well groomed, and with shoes. Others kept it casual, but nevertheless the whole family attended the meal. Nowadays, these types of dinners rarely happen. Most people just grab something on the go, and move on to the next thing on their “to do” list. In our fast paced world, we’re missing out on some of the necessities as well as luxuries and pleasantries of life.
This is the 21st century, you could say. We don’t have time or the need for face to face interaction over dinner with family. Internet, texting, calling, faxing, and other technology we have these days, allows us to interact with our family, without having to change our schedules around to...

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