Faclity Design

Faclity Design

Facility Spectrum
Lakeycia Harper
Lindsay Cogan

In the United States there are two types of facility spectrums they are classified as inpatient and outpatient. Inpatient facilities requires that a patient stays for overnight. Outpatient facilities are those where patients go for routine testing and treatment and then go home. Inpatient facilities are classified as hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, rehabilitation facilities. According to “El Centro Regional Medical Center”, (Physicians and hospitals follow a specific set of clinical criteria (severity of illness and intensity of service needed to diagnose and treat) that assists in determining whether a patient meets medical necessity for an “inpatient” status in the hospital). Inpatient status of a patient is determined on how severe a patients symptoms are and how well they respond to treatment.
Purpose and Goals
Community-based health care planning and regulation is used to group facilities into regions consisting of similar health care use. According to “Regional Health Care Planning: A Methodology To Cluster Facilities Using Community Utilization Patterns” (2015), “(Health care planning and regulation in the United States has generally attempted to achieve two broad goals: Promote public health by ensuring the supply of services meets population needs and contain health care costs by regulating the supply of services to a level equal to population need.)” “Hospitals in the United States differ in their purposes and organizational structures.” (Richard Riegelman, Brenda Kirkwood/ University of Phoenix, 2015, p.3). Hospitals can be placed into two types General and Specialty. General hospitals are designed to serve wide arrays of patients, specialty hospitals are used to treat patients who could not be accommodated in general hospitals. There are also times when hospitals are grouped because of their funding sources....

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