History Outline

History Outline

History 2A T- 8:00 a.m.
Introduction Historical Background
a. Ex of first leaders/style –Formation of the city-states
a. The God’s of the Greeks. Titles and powers.
b. Theology/Mythology
c. The Greeks belief of the “Afterlife”
Greece’s technology developed at an unprecedented speed during the 5th century BC
a. Greek style ships called “trireme”, strong navy
b. New Greek system of warfare called “hoplite”
Agriculture/Geography/Language Agriculture was the foundation of Greek society/economy. The agriculture/geography of Greece was heavily favored to be a society, which depended on the ocean/sea for survival due to lack of fertile soil and mountainous landscapes.
b. How geography influenced Trade
Government China went through many governmental changes; the two most significant were Confuciousism and Legalism.
b. Legalism- How it began with the Qin dynasty under Han-Feizu
c. Mencius- the teachings and ways. Philosopher who was all about government.
The Chinese were a polytheistic society who believed in Buddhism, Taoism. They also believed in the afterlife and becoming one with nature.
a. Sort history of Buddhism and how it spread to China from India.
b. Explain how Taoism philosophies were geared towards being one with nature and finding harmony.
China was very technologically sound as a society. Through the monopolization of bronze and wealthy trade systems, China was able to construct a society that was innovative and prosperous.
a. Bronze and how it became to backbone for Chinese technology to prosper
b. Wealthy trading systems lead to advanced thinking and methods.
The Chinese were fortunate enough to have the Yellow river as a source of life.
Through many trial and error governmental systems, religious theories, technological advancements and well situated climates: societies such as Greece and China were not only able...

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