Human Resoueces

Human Resoueces



(1) Organization career management system varies. Some depend mainly on informal relationships while some programs are sophisticated. The basic career management system, involves four steps and they are self-assessment, reality check, goal setting and action planning. Whilst for every step, each one, the employee and the organization have responsibilities. Where the organization objectives and needs have support from top management and is created with employee participation. For self-assessment the employee use this method to determine their career interests, values, and aptitude and behavior tendencies. The employee responsibility is to highlight opportunities and personal areas of needed improvement. The second step of career management is the reality check where information about their skills and knowledge is received. The employee is now responsible to identify what skills he or she would realistically need to develop. The company responsibility is to communicate performance evaluation, where employee would fit in long-range plan of the company. The next step is the goal setting process where employees identify goals and methods to determine goal progress and the company responsibility is to ensure that the goal is specific, challenging, and attainable and help to reach employee goals. The final step, action planning, employee identify steps and timetable to reach their goal and the company is responsible to identify resources employee needs to reach goal including courses, work experiences and maintain relationships.

(2) The “family-friendly” benefits are recognized by employers as a significant need to its employees. So it is added as a benefit to their employee package. These benefits include family leave policies and child care. This program is applied directly to employees with family responsibility. This scheme typically has four types of benefits which include family leave, child care, college savings...

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