jornal summaries

jornal summaries

, Journal Summary 3, September 2,2014
Jin, B., & Park, N. (2010). In-Person contact begets calling and texting: interpersonal motives for cell phone use, face-to-face interaction, and loneliness. Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, 13(6), 611-618. doi:10.1089/cyber.2009.0314
Lit Review
The study examined in the article was how cell phone use is related to interpersonal motives for using cell phones that was dealing with face-to-face communication and loneliness. 232 college students who had a cell phone showed that inclusion and affection were strong motivators for the use phone calls and text messages and the interpersonal motives were positively related to how much a person used his or her cell phone which included calling and texting. Along with that the amount of face to face interaction was positively connected with the contributors cellphone use and there motives regarding interpersonal for using there cellphones saying that the more the students were face to face the more frequent their cell phone use was. The students that that had higher levels of loneliness were less likely to engage in face to face interactions which led them to use there cell phones less for interpersonal causes.
Students from South Western universities in communication classes took an online survey. The survey asked students to estimate the amount of making and receiving phone calls and text messages because each was high correlated with one another. The average number of times a participants used phone calling was 13 times and the text messaging was 82 times in a day showing that each of the variables where in positive correlation and these variable were used in the interpersonal motives for cell phone use. Where they used the interpersonal communications motives scale were they evaluated interpersonal motives and asked sets of questions pertaining to phone calls and text messages on a scale of 1-7 one being the not at all and a seven being exactly....

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