My Learning Type Is Visual

My Learning Type Is Visual

My learning nature is visual
My learning type came out to be a visual witch I am not surprised though considering I have known now for awhile I learn best when there is a diagram or picture of what is to be learned. I did agree with this outcome however I feel that I should be more auditory than visual. This is because I have always struggled with writing down notes when my teachers are talking; I can not seem to be able to concentrate if I am taking away from my hundred percent concentrations. I also I an extremely had time focusing on reading if there is any noise in the back round. As a child doing homework I was not allowed to have even the radio on because I lost focus and could not do the simplest math work. Some tips that I will start to work on to study and learn better are going to be creating charts to everything I do. Its going to be hard to get any picture learning online yet I have found that the power point presentations that we get in our packets tend to help me grasp the chapter a little bit better. But as for my auditory side what helps me the best is, I like to go outside where there is barely any noise and shut out the stresses of the day. And as long as I stick to my two hours a day schedule mention in the previous week I should have no problem continuing to learn and study hard

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