Renaissance Period, Composer and his works
The word “Renaissance” means rebirth. This was the rebirth of music and how it was interpreted in people’s everyday life. The music also told stories of how people were making new discoveries in this time period. People in the world were now studying things they would have liked to have studied before, such as culture, history, and science. If you wanted to be somebody in this time period you had to appreciate music. Music printed was put into use during this time, which allowed people to make copies of their own music. With printed music, the music began to show up in everyday, life as well as, still being sung in the church. Most of the themes musical composers wrote about were religion, art and parts of literature. Composers liked to express their music through stories and musical texts.
There isn’t any accurate date on when Monteverdi was born but it is said that Claudio Monteverdi was born in the north part of Cremona, Italy, and was baptized on May 15, 1567 and died on November 29, 1643. Monteverdi was an Italian composer, a violin player, and a singer. His works mark the transition from the Renaissance period to Baroque period of music. As a young boy Monteverdi studied with a man named Marc Antonio Ingegneri, he was a director maestro (which they called their director back then), of the cathedral in Cremona, Italy. Monteverdi first produced music in 1582 and 1583. Those works were motets and sacred madrigal works. In the year 1590 he began working in the court of VincenzoI, later he became the maestro of that court. There is no record of Monteverdi at all so they assume that his music lessons were private. By his fourteenth birthday his main focus was on madrigals. He composed nine books. He has produced many works, some which include: The Quinto Libro: which is about the argument with Monteverdi and a man named Giovanni Artusi and The Ottavo Libro (1638). In 1607 Monteverdi...