The history of kyaking

The history of kyaking

The second event i attended was the minimum wage event hosted by multiple professors. They presented their power point in front of a packed lecture hall, that started with some confusion but recovered quickly. The main point of the presentation was too show how minimum wage can not sustain a family. They brought in a medical field expert that talked about how the cost of average family healthcare and minimum wage do not match up. The economics professor talked for a while about how cost have constantly risen but this has not been matched by minimum wage. Education prices have risen dramatically and low income families can not afford to send their kids to secondary education. This causes a cycle of low income families staying at the bottom of the social food chain because they can not advance with degrees. The professors lastly handed out forms that got us to be hands on with some of the information presented. We had to calculate cost and estimate numbers and plug them all into a worksheet. This put information right before our eyes and put into perspective how minimum wage cannot support a family. This was a very eye opening and rewarding event. The second event i attended was the minimum wage event hosted by multiple professors. They presented their power point in front of a packed lecture hall, that started with some confusion but recovered quickly. The main point of the presentation was too show how minimum wage can not sustain a family. They brought in a medical field expert that talked about how the cost of average family healthcare and minimum wage do not match up. The economics professor talked for a while about how cost have constantly risen but this has not been matched by minimum wage. Education prices have risen dramatically and low income families can not afford to send their kids to secondary education. This causes a cycle of low income families staying at the bottom of the social food chain because they can not advance with degrees. The professors...

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