The Outsiders Play

The Outsiders Play

Amneh Al-qudah,
Tasneem Qattous,
Amel Hassan,
Mariam Skalli,
Ayah Ghaleh.
The Outsiders
*walking around the park smoking cigarettes*
Johnny: Why’d u run away anyway, aye Ponyboy?
Ponyboy: Darry slapped me for stayin’ out too late.
Johnny: You know he don’t mean it, he’s just watchin’ out for ya.
Ponyboy: No, Johnny! He hates me, he don’t even want me! My own father had never hit me! If it weren’t for Sodapop, he would’ve abandoned me by now!
Johnny: Don’t say that Ponyboy. Darry cares about you. He’s just bein’ a good ol’ responsible brother.
Ponyboy: Yeah! Well it sure don’t seem like it. If he did care about me, he wouldn’t have let me run out that way.
Johnny: That stuff all ain’t true. At least you got somebody watchin’ out for ya. I ain’t got nobody! Ya dig Ponyboy?
Ponyboy: Yeah yeah, and don’t say that Johnnycake. You got the gang. We’re there for ya.
*gets cut off by a loud horn coming from a blue mustang*
Ponybody: Darn it! What do these dang Socs want now? What are they doin’ here anyway?
Johnny: Lookin’ for us obviously. We picked up their girls, Cherry and Maricia.
Ponyboy: Oh glory! What are we supposed to do now?
Johnny: I don’t know. We’ll just have to watch and see for ourselves.
Ponyboy: *lets out a loud huff* whatever, just act cool and tuff.
Johnny: There drunk.
*Socs, who are drunk, come closer and closer to Johnny and Ponyboy*
*Johnny and Ponyboy are now against the fountain*
* Johnny as pale as a ghost, eyes widened, and his hand in his back pocket where he had his switchblade*
Bob: Well whatta know? I thought we’d oughtta find the two little greasers who tried pickin’ up our girls.
Johnny: What are you doin’ here. This ain’t your terrirtory. You’d better watch what your doin’.
*Randy swears and cusses under his breath*
Bob: Nah buddy, yer the one who better watch it. Plus next time you wanna broad, pick one up from yer own dirty kind.
Bob: You wanna know what greasers are white trash with long hair....

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