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Are You A Good Communicator?

Are You A Good Communicator?
How does one know if they have effective communication? In order to know if one has effective communication you have to have an understanding of one’s ideas. Communication goes both ways it involves both presenter and receiver. Effective communication in the health care industry is important when you are interacting in different departments with professionals, the patients, and the establishment providing care.
When communication is lacking in health care industry, poor medical care given, and mistakes are made with lack of clarity, so it is important to make effective communication by placing the skills needed to be an effected when one is talking to patients or professionals.
When we think about supportive relationships in the health care industry, we can say that we all agree or disagree. When one is describing supportive and defensive relationship, one may support or defensive by what the person may say or may not be correct. An example of a supportive relationship you’re a patient and have seen two doctors which who agree on the type of treatment that would be best of you, but yet you still have concerns of this particular treatment. The two doctors understand your concerns and explain and answer any of the questions so that you feel calmer and more agreeable to the treatment.
Were as if you didn’t have your question or concerns answered to your questions you would feel defensive because it is almost as if you have no choice in the matter, even though you know you have to have this treatment. I myself am more for the supportive relationship, by having the clarity of the understanding by interacting, and observing people can be a positive supportive relationship in many aspects of the health care industry.
Assertive style is the main principal of communication skills. Assertiveness is based on respect and is able to show that you are willing to stand up for your welfare and express...

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