Time Travler Returns

Time Travler Returns

The Time Traveler Returns

Now I know most of you won’t believe me when I tell you about the week I just had…but here I go. So one of the professors in the physics department was looking for students willing to test out a new teleportation device he and his colleagues had developed. So being the open-minded guy that I am I was there first thin in the morning. Sao after they explained all the risks and all the technical aspects of the experiment we were set to go. They locked me in the pod and all of a sudden the air filled with electricity and there was a bright flash. Then nothing. I don’t know how long I was out for but when I came to I knew something went very wrong.
First of all the school was nowhere in sight. My first thought was that they had blown up the school, but then I heard the waves crashing over the rocks in the distance. The second thing that let me know that things hadn’t gone right was that my clothes were in tatters. But that soon turned out to be a blessing, as a group of men cam running by in what looked like their underwear. So I decided to sneak around and see what was going on. By the time I caught up with them (they sure did seem to be in a hurry) we had reached what looked like some kind of open city. I decided it best that I try my best to blend in until I could find out where (I later found out when) I was. So I used the scraps of what was left of my clothes to tie together some kind of a loin cloth/ diaper looking covering. Luckily there were all kinds of flags around the city. So I grabbed one of those as well. I started to get a little bit more adventurous, so I ventured into the crowd. I immediately started to get strange looks from almost everyone in the general area. Be fore I knew what was going on a hand darted out of nowhere and pulled me into the nearest room. Before I could get word one out of my mouth the most beautiful woman I had ever seen was all over me. After a long explanation I realized that she thought I...

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