Village Report of Hadoli in Maharashtra by Ksrm (Rural Managment)

Village Report of Hadoli in Maharashtra by Ksrm (Rural Managment)

Village profile
1. Village Demography:
The demography of village Hadoli is ‘typical’ of Indian village demography. The population of village is 1193 (source: Census of India, 2001), with male and female proportion as 660 as to 553. The village has considerable schedule caste and schedule tribe population. Schedule caste population consists of 12.32% of population; whereas schedule tribe population consists of 9.22% of population. In these categories also sex ratio is inclined towards the male population. It clearly exhibits that even in this village the female child birth is discounted to a large extent.
The total numbers of households as per 2001 census are 256. The average persons per family are 4.66. The family size is not very large. This simple statistics gives scope to infer the fact that family norm is not of a joint family.
1.1 Caste structure:
Hierarchy based caste structure is very visible. But along with Marathas at the top, the other backward caste of kulekadhagis also struggles for the top slot. Middle castes are typical ‘Balutedari’ (local form of jajmani system) castes that are the serving castes like barber, blacksmith, carpenters etc. Lower castes are typical scheduled caste and tribe. One feature observed here is schedule tribe people are slightly better off than some of the scheduled caste like Matang.

1.2 Hierarchy based on economic condition and land owning pattern:
Social structure which is visible on basis of caste is not visible here, it is little different. Middle caste like Kulekadhagi is at the top of the pyramid. Farmers from this caste own maximum land in the village followed by Marathas. Schedule caste and tribal along with Muslims and other artisan castes are either landless or are marginal farmers owning only 1.5 acres of land provided by government. The major income source here is agriculture, so obviously economic hierarchy is determined by land owned by people.
1.3 Political structure (power sharing and decision...

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